Tuesday 29 March 2011


Githa Hariharn quotes a German Pastor, Reverend Martin Niemoller, in her novel In times of Siege, who was persecuted by the Nazis.

                               'In Germany, they first came for the
                               communists, and I did not speak up
                               because I was not a communists.Then
                               they came for the Jews, and I did not
                               speak up because I was not a Jew.

                               'Then they came for the trade
                               unionists, and I did not speak up
                               because I was not a trade unionist.

                               'Then they came for the homosexuals,
                               and I did not speak up because I was
                               not a homosexual.

                              'Then they came for the Catholics,
                              and I did not speak up because I was
                              'Then they came for me . . . but by
                              that time there was no one left to
                              speak up.'


Tuesday 28 December 2010


"CHE GUEVARA" an Argentinian medical student, having a bright future as it(medical profession) has always handsome  salary. But he roamed all over the Latin America to observe the people suffering from the curse of poverty and hunger, left his practice of medical and started thinking about the social inequalities all over the world particularly  in Latin America. He struggled accompanied with Fidel Castro to overthrow U.S. backed Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista in which they succeeded on January 1, 1959. He was given key portfolios in new revolutionary setup such as Commander  of the La Cabana (commander in chief of revolutionary forces), industrial minister, finance minister, president of National Bank, foreign minister representing the revolutionary government all over the world, but his thirst to revolutionize the Latin America was yet not quenched. He moved  first to Congo and later to Bolivia, where he was arrested and executed on October 9, 1967 at 1:10 PM at the age of 39years. Prior to his execution in late 1966,s he wrote a last letter to his five children to be read upon his death, which ended with him instructing them,
   "Above all, always be capable of feeling deeply any injustice committed against anyone, anywhere in the world. This is the most beautiful quality in a revolutionary." 

Sunday 26 December 2010


BE a human, not American, European, Asian, African, for when we become humans we can think of humanity suffering from the pains of hunger, catastrophes, fatal diseases such as AIDS, Hepatitis, cholera, etc., shortage of water, shelter, etc. we humans have a huge contradiction in the distribution  of wealth. in one part of the world we have plenty of luxuries(U.S.A., Scandinivarian countries, Europe, some Arabian countries), while on the other hand we run short even basic needs i.e. food, clothing and shelter, majority of  Africa, Asia, and Latin America are suffering from these curse evils. please come forward, save spent some of your earnings on these deprived ones, by your own hands because you- yourself can give the right deserving than any other. please join hands to eradicate hunger and poverty from our planet because member is ours.thanx

Friday 24 December 2010


life is short n sometimes cruel. people live &die but no one remember them, only those are always remembered who change the course of history. no one knows me and also those who eat , drink n merry but every one knows NELSON MANDELA, ABRAHM LINCOLN, VILADIMIR LENIN, ADOLF HITLER, NIPOLIAN BONAPART, WINSTON CHURCHIL, etc. so bring a peaceful n equality based revolution all over the world.